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If you have found your way to this website I'm assuming you are coming from Twitter...


NOTE: I have not had the time to update this website since the end of last school year. However, it does have some good Virtual PE Lesson Ideas you may find useful including (a gymnastics virtual lesson, health-enhancing physical activity lesson, ball control challenges, and throwing and catching virtual lesson).


It is on my to-do list to update 

Parkade Elementary

At Home PE Lesson Content, Activities, & Challenges to Keep You Learning and Staying Active

The goal of this page is to establish a common place for students and families to visit each week for new distance learning ideas, activities, and challenges to stay active and healthy while our school is closed. In order to meet physical education goals during this time students are encouraged to be active for 60 minutes, each day. Remember, activity time doesn't have to happen all at once. You can add up your total activity time throughout the day to equal 60 minutes. If you would like to track activity time here is a physical activity log if you're able to access a printer. 


The content provided on this page will come from a variety of educational learning sources. You can also access a google drive folder I put together of additional physical activity and fitness resources here.  In addition, you can access Physical Education Fitness Calendars for the months of April and May. Thank you to all the online physical educators and other education professionals for sharing resources to help students stay physically active and improve their skills.


REMINDER: Let us not forget the importance of reducing screen time and going and playing outside if able. Anytime you can complete any of the weekly content outdoors it is highly recommended. 


Alrighty, Panthers, make sure to STAY SAFE, HAVE FUN and BE CREATIVE. Let's do our best to keep ourselves active! See you soon, Coach Armstrong


Click to Access PE Distance Learning Letter Full Intro



Remember: Make sure to ask parents/family members for permission before doing any of the activities listed below.

Week of May 11th - May 15th (Lesson Content):

What are we learning?

We are continuing last week's PE choice board activities. 

K-5 Grades:  Choice Board


Equipment:  90% of the activities require no equipment. 10% of the activities use general household items (Levels, Hopscotch, Couch Island, Jump Rope, and Rhythm Sticks). 


Directions:  Choose one activity to do each day (Monday-Friday).


How to Use: Click the photo below and it will take you to the main document with active links to click. There are four weeks of activities. You can always come back to this document. You will need to click on the blue text for the link to some. Weekends are free choice. HAVE FUN!

Previous Weekly Lesson Content:

Thank you to the following (listed below). If included below I have used one if not more of your resources on this page. Once again thank you! 
Drew Burris - @projectphysed: Creator of the resource Your Home, Your Choice Board displayed above

© 2020 ArmstrongPE - Managed by Ryan Armstrong @RArmstrongPE

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